DE 3ds Max
From The Spotlight, The Spotlight is on You!Creation Date: Friday, November 27, 2015 | Page Was Last Updated on: Thursday, December 3, 2015
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Wayne Barron has always been fascinated with 3D programs, and 3ds Max is no exception. One of the most power 3d programs, and easy to use, and an interface that can be overwhelming to learn. In the long run, this program is a must for all to use, to make there projects come to life.
Background Information | |
Company Name: | Dark Effects Production« |
Years in Business: | 2011-2024 |
Type of Lessons: | CG Animation and Editor |
Programs Used: | Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe After Effects« |
Social Media Information | |« | Dark Effects on Facebook« | Dark Effects on Twitter« | |
Lesson Information
Working with 3ds Max is something that Wayne has always enjoying doing. to be able to create whatever your mind can think of, is an amazing thing. Though Wayne is not an expert at using 3ds Max, he does have a nack for figuring things out, that others tend to struggle at.
Lessons Series I
Working with 3ds Max 2014, Wayne walks you through how to simple to complex projects, to help get your feet wet in using this wonderful program.
3DS MAx Lesson 1 - Create Objects, shortcut keys, and Line Segments« Duration: 4:15
3DS MAx Lesson 2 - Change the objects color« Duration: 1:18
3DS MAx Lesson 3 - Change object to editable Mesh« Duration: 1:01
3DS Max Lesson 4 - Editable Mesh Properties« Duration: 2:11
3DS Max Lesson 5 - Mesh Extrude« Duration: 2:56
3DS Max Lesson 6 - Editable Poly - How to create a Basket« Duration: 5:05
3DS Max Lesson 7 - Designing a simple house with see-through glass and animated« Duration: 17:02
3DS Max Lesson 8 Pt 1 Create a House with a Roof« Duration: 3:59
3DS Max Lesson 9 Pt 2 Detact Roof from House« Duration: 1:28
3DS Max Lesson 10 - Pt 3 Adding window hole and a door hole for our House« Duration: 5:50
3DS Max lesson 11 - Create a Box with a Opened Top« Duration: 4:57
3DS Max Lesson 12 - Hide and Unhide Polygons« Duration: 2:16
3DS Max Lesson 13 - Change the colors of our Polygon Faces« Duration: 2:41
3DS Max Lesson 14 - Apply Bitmap to Polygon Faces« Duration: 1:59
3DS Max Lesson 15 - Apply Bitmap to both side of a Polygon« Duration: 2:35
3DS Max Lesson 16 - Delete Animation Keyframes from Project« Duration: 1:27
3DS Max Lesson 17 - Add Segments To An Editable Poly @adsk3dsmax« Duration: 1:39
3DS Max Lesson 18 - Importing Google SketchUp files - x32 reader terminated unexpected @adsk3dsmax« Duration: 4:53
3DS Max Lesson 19 - Vue 2014 PLE - Installation and 3ds Max Integration« Duration: 7:08
3DS Max Lesson & After Effects - Open Compositor link in After Effects« Duration: 10:45
@Autodesk 3ds Max Lesson 20 - Unable To Initialize Adlm Error -104 @Adsk3dsMax« Duration: 2:24