DE After Effects

From The Spotlight, The Spotlight is on You!

Creation Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 | Page Was Last Updated on:

Wayne Barron is a 6th year Adobe After Effects Producer in Post Production. These are the lesson's that Wayne has done for his YouTube Community.

Background Information
Company Name:« 
Years in Business:2011-2024 
Type of Lessons:Post Production and Visual Effects 
Programs Used:«, Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Autodesk 3DS Max 
Social Media Information
« | « | «

Lesson Information

Wayne Barron walks you through lots of different techniques to help in your post-production After Effects needs, for getting your project off the ground. Rather you are trying to impress a client, future job prospect, or your boss, or simply just trying to add that little extra something that your video project, to get more views on YouTube.
There is sure to be something in these lessons to get your going in the right direction.

Lessons Information

These are the complete First list from YouTube, the earlier video's are poorly made, and have very small resolution, however, they are still heavy viewed and commented on.

Lessons Series 1

This is the start of « « Lessons.
Dark Effects Lessons for After Effects Series I

Adobe After Effects Lesson 1 - 3D Layer« 4:11
Adobe After Effects Lesson 2 - Wiggle Marque using Expressions« 2:39
Adobe After Effects Lesson 3 - Set Font Size and Color« 5:23
Adobe After Effects Lesson 4 - remove black background from image. (New video, In Description)« 5:26
Adobe After Effects Lesson 5 - Write Out (Fire Text)« 17:17
Adobe After Effects Lesson 6 - Bloopers« 2:04
Adobe After Effects Lesson 7 - Fire Text« 0:07
Adobe After Effects Lesson 8 - DEMO Sand Text (Blowing Sand Effect)« 0:07
Adobe After Effects Lesson 9 - Lowerthird« 3:52
Adobe After Effects Lesson 10 - Using the Puppet Pin tool« 13:18
Adobe After Effects Lesson 11 - Film Credit Bounce (Re-Rendered Copy)« 10:30
Adobe After Effects Lesson 13 - 3D Floor Text Effect« 8:32
After Effects 3D Layer« 2:24
Adobe After Effects Lesson 14 - Text Animation« 3:44
Adobe After Effects Lesson 15 - Wiggle Effect« 2:27
Adobe After Effects Lesson 16 - Custom Workspace Layout« 2:42
Adobe After Effects Lesson 18 - Text Animate onto Screen Part 1« 15:27
Adobe After Effects Lesson 19 - Text Animate onto Screen - Part 2 -Blur Text« 2:46
Adobe After Effects Lesson 20 - Animate Logo to show and hide words« 9:11
Adobe After Effects Lesson 21 - DEMO Light Rods in Creepy Room (Not HD)« 0:06
Adobe After Effects Lesson 22 - Light Rods in eerie Creepy Room Lesson« 8:43
Adobe After Effects Lesson 23 - Warped and Scattered Text Effect DEMO« 0:04
Adobe After Effects Lesson 24 - Warped and Scattered Text Effect Lesson« 8:37
Adobe After Effects CS6 Lesson 25 - Live Photoshop 3D not available« 4:36
Adobe After Effects Lesson 26 - Text to Sand Effect with Extra (Lesson coming soon!)« 0:06
Adobe After Effects Lesson 27 - Spinning Gears« 0:06
Adobe After Effects Lesson 28 - Gears Colored (Lesson coming soon)« 0:06
Adobe After Effects Lesson 29 - Creating Gears with Animation Rotation, and Color Animation« 11:33
After Effects Eerie Movie Title Text Demo (Lesson Coming Soon!)« 0:16
After Effects - Lesson #30 - Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro CC together as One« 7:33
After Effects - Lesson #31 - Trailer Intro (Star Wars Effects)« 10:50
After Effects - Demo Organic Alien Atmosphere« 0:11
After Effects - Lesson #32 - Organic Alien Atmosphere« 7:38
Adobe After Effects CC 2014 - Add to Media Encoder Render Queue« 6:51
@AdobeAE Adobe After Effects with Dual Monitors for Better Workflow« 3:28
Adobe After Effects - Plugin Series - Lesson #8 Eerie Text Title @adobeae« 5:15
Adobe After Effects Lesson #32 - Layers moving in Y axis between keyframes @adobeae« 1:41
@Adobe After Effects Lesson #33 - Ctrl+Alt+Arrows is assigned to graphics card @adobeae« 1:47
@Adobe After Effects Lesson #34 - RGB+Alpha Renders Huge File - How to Make Smaller Files @adobeae« 4:11
@Adobe After Effects Lesson #35 - Shortcut Key to Reveal Layer In Timeline @adobeae« 2:52
@Adobe Media Encoder CC Lesson #3 - How To Add A Composition Into Media Encoder« 1:25

Lesson's Series 2

Expanding on the above lesson in the first Series, this is series II.
Dark Effects Lessons for After Effects Series II

Adobe After Effects Lesson #1 - Adding text to our Project« 3:14
Adobe After Effects Lesson #2 - Animate Text Opacity to give a fade In - Fade Out effect« 1:23
Adobe After Effects Lesson #3 - Animate Text position into scene« 1:40
Adobe After Effects Lesson #4 - Lets make our text to the jig, with the Wiggle Effects« 1:16
Adobe After Effects Lesson #5 -Offset our Text to change the letter characters« 2:08
Adobe After Effects Lesson #6 -Animate each letter to its default character using Range Select« 2:05
Adobe After Effects Lesson #7 - Zoom into the timeline to work with deep frames« 2:15
Adobe After Effects Lesson #8 -Animate each letter to make the word disappear« 1:10
Adobe After Effects Lesson #9 - Reusing Elements and stacking Pre-Comps in our composition« 5:37
Adobe After Effects Lesson #10 - Lesson Wrap-up - Movie Title Text Effect« 9:24
Adobe After Effects Lesson #11 - Motion Blur« 2:06
Adobe After Effects Lesson #12 - Animate Text in a Circle« 3:11
Adobe After Effects Lesson #13 - How to render in After Effects« 3:41
After Effects CC and Maxon Cinema 4D - How to use the 2 together as one« 3:10
After Effects - Lesson #14 - Make a car follow path« 3:31
After Effects - Lesson #15 - Having fun with the Shapes Tool« 4:08
(Read Description for 2014 and up Version) After Effects CC - Render Output Settings for MP4 - H264« 1:04
After Effects - Lesson Demo - TV Spot Ad - Surf Is Up« 0:08
After Effects - Lesson #16 - Blur Text Animation Effects« 3:19
After Effects - Lesson DEMO - Animated Painted Person« 1:25
After Effects - Lesson #17 - Animated Painted Person And Name« 8:23
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #18 - Grid Transition« 3:57
After Effects - Lesson #19 - Page Roll Title Revealed« 3:48
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #20 - Create a Ball and Bounce Around Scene« 4:01
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #21 - Adding a Drop Shadow to Text within After Effects« 3:10
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #22 - Dark Shadow Cast over Text« 1:28
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #23 - Move Anchor Point on 3d object« 1:28
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #24 - Move Anchor Point and Baseline Shift on 3d Text Layer« 1:58
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #25 - Demo Movie Title Animation« 0:11
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #25 - Creepy Eerie Movie Title« 3:24
Adobe Creative Cloud Updates - Unable to extract download files - U44M1l210« 3:29
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #26 - Tracking And Zooming« 9:51
Adobe After Effects - Deja Vu Movie Intro Effect (DEMO)« 0:09
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #27 - Deja Vu Movie Intro Effect (Download link in Description)« 16:23
Adobe After Effects - Lesson #28 - How to create a Fireball inside of After Effects« 17:02
3DS Max Lesson & After Effects - Open Compositor link in After Effects« 10:45
After Effects - Lesson #29 Shorten Animation without having to edit the animation keyframes« 2:12
After Effects - Lesson #30 - Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro CC together as One« 7:33
Adobe After Effects lesson 31 - Finger Light Beams @adobeae @adobe« 14:16
Adobe After Effects - Plugin Series - Lesson #8 Eerie Text Title @adobeae« 5:15
Adobe After Effects Lesson #32 - Layers moving in Y axis between keyframes @adobeae« 1:41
@Adobe After Effects Lesson #33 - Ctrl+Alt+Arrows is assigned to graphics card @adobeae« 1:47
@Adobe After Effects Lesson #34 - RGB+Alpha Renders Huge File - How to Make Smaller Files @adobeae« 4:11
@Adobe After Effects Lesson #35 - Shortcut Key to Reveal Layer In Timeline @adobeae« 2:52
@Adobe Media Encoder CC Lesson #3 - How To Add A Composition Into Media Encoder« 1:25
@adobeae Adobe After Effects Lesson 36 - Undocked Panels, How to Dock them back« 2:56
@Adobe After Effects Lesson 37 - H.264 Not Available In Render Queue @AdobeAE« 3:41
@Adobe After Effects Lesson 38 - Redock Floating Panels« 1:32

Plugin Series

This set of lesson's, was made to be published, however, Wayne chose to release them to YouTube instead, as he did not have the time to work on the book at that time. These lesson's are in-depth lesson on how to do some technical effects in Adobe After Effects.
Dark Effects Lessons for After Effects Plugins

Adobe After Effects - Plugin Series - Lesson #1 Blurred Vision (Download in Desc)«7:19
Adobe After Effects - Plugin Series - Lesson #2 Getting into Focus (Download in Desc)«6:28
Adobe After Effects - Plugin Series - Lesson #3 Making It Look Small (Download in desc)«9:42
Adobe After Effects - Plugins Series - Lesson #4 Correct Color on Set (Download in desc)«2:54
Adobe After Effects - Plugins Series - Lesson #5 Old Family Homestead (Download in desc)«1:45
Adobe After Effects - Plugins Series - Lesson #6 Lightning House«14:39
Adobe After Effects - Plugins Series - Lesson #7 Keying Out with Keylight (Download in desc)«4:17

Trapcode Plugins

Using Trapcode Plugins, enables you to become creative in so many ways, that will impress your boss, colleagues, and potential customers.
Trapcade Particular is known around the movie production scene, with its use in many sci-fi movies, as well as adventure and action scenes.
Dark Effects Lessons for After Effects and Trapcode

Adobe After Effects - Trapcode Particular - Lesson #1«28:42
After Effects - Red Giant Tradcode (Particular) - Burning Off Text - Exploding Text«0:11
After Effects - Red Giant Tradcode (Particular) - Burning Off Text«0:09
After Effects - Red Giant Tradcode (Particular) - Burning Off Text - Exploding Text - Lesson #2«3:10
Adobe After Effects - Red Giant Tradcode (Particular) - Flying Flares«0:11
Adobe After Effects - Red Giant Tradcode (Particular) - Flying Flares with Smoke Trail«0:11
Adobe After Effects Trapcode Particular Lesson #3 Flare Stream«17:19
Adobe After Effects - Trapcode Shine - Lesson #5 - Eerie Title«3:22
After Effects - Trapcode Particular - Customed Text to Sand Effect (Tutorial Link On Video)«0:09
Adobe After Effects - Trapcode Particular - Lesson #6 - Text to Sand Effect«17:09