DE Dreamweaver
From The Spotlight, The Spotlight is on You!Creation Date: Thursday, November 26, 2015 | Page Was Last Updated on: Thursday, December 3, 2015
Wayne Barron has been using Adobe Dreamweaver since the UltraDev 4 (Ultra Developer) version in late 2000. Using the program strictly for the visual aspect of the design view, and not using it to do coding, except for the CSS auto-complete. Dreamweaver is a very useful tool to have in your development arsenal of tools. The lesson's that are available here, are more about how to use the program as way for the designer to code and only using it as a visual designer, than as a program that does the coding for you.
Background Information | |
Company Name: | Dark Effects Production« |
Years in Business: | 2011-2025 |
Type of Lessons: | Web Design |
Programs Used: | Adobe Dreamweaver |
Social Media Information | |« | Dark Effects on Facebook« | Dark Effects on Twitter« | |
Lesson Information
In these lesson's, Wayne Barron will walk you through how to use the program, and how to start designing sites, with the help of the built in interface, but also, how to design with your own code as well.
Lessons Series I
In this Series of lesson, we look at the issues that one may have, when using the Adobe Dreamweaver CC and later versions.