From The Spotlight, The Spotlight is on You!

Creation Date: Saturday, November 28, 2015 | Page Was Last Updated on:

Wayne Barron has been involved with IIS (Internet Information Services) since early 2000, when he first installed it on a Windows NT Server. Learning how to deliver websites was a dream, and working with IIS came naturally.

Background Information
Company Name:« 
Years in Business:2011-2025 
Type of Lessons:Web Application Deployment 
Programs Used:Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Services) 
Social Media Information
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Lesson Information

Working with IIS is not as hard as people make it out to be, you just have to learn the fundamentals of the program, and the rest will call to you as you need it. In these lessons Wayne will walk you through

Lessons Series IIS 6

Working with IIS 6, under the Windows 2003 Server, brought on new challenges, however Wayne worked through it, and has been using it now for over 10 years.
Dark Effects Lessons for IIS 6 Series 1

Lessons Series IIS 7.5

Windows 7, IIS 7.5 was different from using Windows 2003 Server IIS 6. The new design brought on new challenges that Wayne was ready and willing to learn from. The following lessons are what Wayne learned, and wanted to pass on to others.
Dark Effects Lessons for IIS 7.5 Series 1

Lessons Series IIS 8

Windows 8, IIS 8, Did not use it very much, there is only one video in this series, as there was only a How-To install IIS only.
Dark Effects Lessons for IIS 8 Series 1

  1. « Duration:5:46

Lessons Series IIS 10

Working with Windows 10, and IIS 10, was very exciting. The new Interface was very natural, after working with Windows 7's IIS 7.5
Dark Effects Lessons for IIS 10 Series 1