DE Office Excel
From The Spotlight, The Spotlight is on You!Creation Date: Saturday, November 28, 2015 | Page Was Last Updated on: Thursday, December 3, 2015
Microsoft Office Excel is a very powerful tool, for doing office based spreadsheets for work. Using this program correctly, can help your workflow to boost your bottom line.
Background Information | |
Company Name: | Dark Effects Production« |
Years in Business: | 2011-2024 |
Type of Lessons: | Spreadsheets |
Programs Used: | Microsoft Office Excel |
Social Media Information | |« | Dark Effects on Facebook« | Dark Effects on Twitter« | |
Lesson Information
Working with Microsoft Office Excel in your business, will help your workflow to be quicker and less stress when the job is completed.
Lessons Series I
This is some of the first lesson's that Wayne Barron created for YouTube.
Lessons Series II
Quick Tips, how to do things quickly within Office Excel.
Microsoft Excel - Page Layout Option - Quick Tip #1« Duration: 2:53
Microsoft Excel - Get the sum of a Column - Quick Tip #2« Duration: 1:31
Microsoft Excel - Get the Average of a Column - Quick Tip #3« Duration: 1:30
Microsoft Excel - Multiple Columns of date Copy Formula - Quick Tip #4« Duration: 1:08
Microsoft Excel - Get the sum of our total - Quick Tip #5« Duration: 1:01
Microsoft Excel - Insert Comment (Notes) into your Spreadsheet - Quick Tip #6« Duration: 2:29
Microsoft Excel - Add a shipping cost and calculating with our cost - Quick Tip #7« Duration: 3:06
Microsoft excel - Enter tab name - Quick Tip #8« Duration: 1:37
Office Excel - Making a Check Registry - Quick Tip #9« Duration: 6:16
#Microsoft #msexce Excel Inventory sheet - Multiply columns to get total of products on hand« Duration: 7:13