
From The Spotlight, The Spotlight is on You!

Creation Date: Thursday, September 20, 2012 | Page Was Last Updated on:

Zatian (Named for: Sabastian Carr-Zatian Barron, son of Carrz-Fox-Fire Promotions Founder, Wayne Barron) is the 2nd part of the middle name given to him.

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Background Information
Meaning:Chase Your Dreams 
Origin:A Dream 
From:Wayne Barron 
Date Invented:Summer 1993 
Name Created For: (Son) Sabastian Carr-Zatian Barron 
Father:Wayne Barron 
Mother: Valerie Faye Ward 


Zatian is the 2nd part of the name given to Sabastian Carr-Zatian Barron, by his father the owner of Carrz-Fox-Fire Promotions.

The Meaning

Zatian means to Chase Your Dreams, the origin behind the name comes from a dream that Wayne Barron had a few months before the birth of Carr-Zatian. In the dream, Wayne gave the name of Carr-Zatian to his child. When Wayne woke from his dream, he wrote the name down on a piece of paper laying on the nightstand beside the bed, the name stuck.
That morning, before heading off to work, he shared the dream with his then pregnant girlfriend, the name that was given to his unborn child, in his dream. She teared up, and said that she had never known of anyone naming their child from a dream.
And at that point, Wayne stated that the meaning behind the name would be: To Chase Your Dreams.
His son, was their Dream Child.